Home Improvement

  1. The Facilities Manager, in conjunction with the Maintenance Manager(s), will be responsible for dispensing House Improvement (HI) hours.
  2. If a member does not complete 4 HI hours by the start of week 11, of the contract period, then said member owes two additional hours of HI (for a total of up to 6 HI hours)
  3. Boarders owe 2 HI hours per semester
  4. You will be fined 6 HI hours at double the workshift rate for not doing any HI.
  5. The Maintenance manager(s) hold(s) the right to waive any HI hours owed above 4 due to special circumstances.
  6. The House President(s) and Maintenance manager(s) hold the right to update the link to Central level HI policy without council approval.
  7. Notes from central level HI policy:
    1. The Central level HI policy can be found here
  1. 4 hours of HI are owed during the summer contract period
  2. Members are encouraged to paint murals for HI, but whether HI is granted for a mural is ultimately up to the discretion of the maintenance managers