Want to:
- sign a petition as Cloyne?
- change house policy?
- purchase accessibility technology?
- or otherwise activate the radical potential of coopdemocracy?
Then you want to come to Council!
*Check out cloyne.org/events or emails from clohp@bsc.coop for the specific time/dates
You can submit agenda items directly via PeerMind, our online Council app! Not sure how?
- Check out this awesome how-to guide
- Email the House President! Happy to support
Every member is required to attend two Councils per semester! If you didn’t get to attend the first, please review the minutes and feel encouraged to ask any follow-up questions. The preliminary agenda is here, and you can make suggestions on the minutes doc up until the beginning of Council, when we vote to approve the minutes and thereby make them official.
Minutes: Archive of old minutes, relevant policy
drafted by Josh Lavine in Spring 2020