Eating at Cloyne!


This Saturday Kyle B. and cook crew made the most delightful brunch! The brunch was “Grease” themed. The menu included:

  • Summer Night Pea Salad
  • Breakfast Pink Lady Pizza
  • Creepy Coach Calhoun’s Crepes
  • Frenchy Fries

The crepes were incredible– they were vegan but didn’t taste vegan– truly a culinary feat.

1411265993.994463.IMG_8125It’s not just the Cook Crews that are killing it, I often see residents creating yummy, amazing looking meals for themselves as well. For example (pictured to the left), Carlo, who also happens to Head Cook on Thursdays, whipped up this delectable burger casually on Saturday night. Note the toasted bun, the sautéed mushrooms, the organic grass-fed beef patty and the beautiful chives garnish. The patty was seasoned by house friend Peter, who also helped make snacks for our Jazz Night.






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